IF you live in the united states of America, you live in a world where the government makes you feel as though you can’t live without them. A space where womanhood is a plague that needs to be cured and contained. For some, womanhood is a weapon. For others, the weapon is held against you. However, there’s a space here for you. In the upcoming years, I’ll try my best to emphasize  how being a woman is an asset, especially black womanhood. If 2024 has taught us anything, it’s that we want change and that we are taking up space. Let’s utilize that space to make noise. 

Women aren’t going anywhere. 

- The Everyday Femme

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Diam aliquam sapien lorem dapibus in​

Potenti tincidunt arcu euismod amet ac curabitur iaculis in ut aliquet facilisis pharetra, pharetra dolor scelerisque.

Sem volutpat nec bibendum nec viverra rutrum​

Ipsum amet, ultrices suscipit eu eget tortor a, tincidunt urna, mattis aliquam duis eget luctus id.

Congue faucibus magna in​

Non faucibus tincidunt commodo est arcu ipsum augue ipsum at vitae, nunc purus erat sem leo fames facilisis scelerisque sagittis, quam vitae.

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